May 21Liked by Trivarna Hariharan

Gosh, Trivarna, you made my made by including me in your list. What a generous, painstaking endeavor this is, to add so many of the pieces you enjoyed to your own truly gorgeous piece. There is often so much beauty around is, it’s simply a matter of looking at it carefully. I particularly loved your pebbles warmed by a child’s hand. Thank you for all of this ❤️

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Thank you for your kind reading & note, Francesca. I love your writing, and was more than delighted to feature it here. Grateful for the gift of your words. 💝

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May 21Liked by Trivarna Hariharan

Thank you so very much for the mention, Trivarna! I'm honored, and once again reminded of the generosity of the Substack community. This list is gorgeous, each item a sprinkle of magic. My favorites are the memories that pop up out of the blue and how songs are like direct portals to certain memories.

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Thank you so much for your kind note, Maria. I’m so happy to know you enjoyed the piece. And it was a pleasure for me to feature your gorgeous writing. Thank you for the gift of your words! 🌻

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May 23Liked by Trivarna Hariharan


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Thank you, Trivarna. You’ve given me several wonders to go and explore. I’m delighted to be in your debt.

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May 21Liked by Trivarna Hariharan

-what a wonderful post. transporting.

-which I wouldn't see if i wasn't tagged-thank you so much for the mention, it's so humbling )

-I'll take time to read all, that I missed

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Thank you so much, Chen. So glad you enjoyed the piece. I love your post too, likewise. So beautiful. 🌻

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May 21Liked by Trivarna Hariharan

Bird calls at odd times are my favourite 💖 like they catch you mid-thought and bring you back to the present moment

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Yes, love that! Thanks for reading the piece, Mohika. So glad it resonates with you. 🌻

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May 20Liked by Trivarna Hariharan

I love how each section was so specific, and yet called from my own mind and memory wafts of images specific-to-me. The part about the grasshopper really halted me, in a good way. I paused, savoring the feeling of the question for a long moment - time well spent. Thank you 🙏🏼

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Thank you, Emma. I’m so moved to know if spoke to you. Thank you for your thoughtful reading of the work, and for spending time with it. It is such a gift to be read with so much care. 🌸

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May 20Liked by Trivarna Hariharan

Beautifully written! Though sometimes we're too busy to scrutinize, we should always take the time to find beauty in the small stuff—it's everywhere for those who care to look~

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Thank you, Bethel. You’re always so gracious with your reading and sharing of the work. I agree entirely with what you’ve said. It truly is everywhere for those who care to look. And I know you always do. What a gift. 🌻✨

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May 22Liked by Trivarna Hariharan

Thank you, Trivarna, gratitude to you for your compassionate essay and for including me in your publication! Great to meet you!

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Thank you, Robin! Loved your essay, and it was a pleasure to feature it. 🌻

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May 22Liked by Trivarna Hariharan

Thank you for the mention, Trivarna. Appreciate your writing.

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Thank you, Trevor. A pleasure to feature your writing.

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Thank you for the mention and, more important, for reading my article on birds. By coming here to your section of Substack, I now can read other wtiters who have a love of Nature.

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May 22Liked by Trivarna Hariharan

Absolutely adore the little moments you listed, sunshine in any capacity is always magical for me. And after a few days with family in the countryside / close to a first, bird reminded me of natures beauty once more.

Thank you for reading my piece and including me here amongst the others, what an honour, Trivarna! ☀️

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Thank you for your kind note, Carmen. So glad the words resonate with you. And thank you for the gift of your beautiful words: it was a delight to feature them. And I agree with you about sunshine - it is eternally wondrous and magical!

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I love this piece! Thank you for the shout out too. Bless you 🙏❤️

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Thank you, Jamie. Loved your beautiful piece, too. Thank you for the blessings, sending them to you too. 🌻✨

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May 21Liked by Trivarna Hariharan

So honored to be included in this beautiful piece. Thank you!

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Thank you Kristine, the pleasure is mine. I’m so happy to feature your wonderful writing. And thank you, so glad you enjoyed my piece! 🌸

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May 21Liked by Trivarna Hariharan

Oh a memory that pops up in your heart out of nowhere 💛 those moments always seem to be quite mundane, but then I’m reminded of their magic. Thanks for sharing my piece ☺️

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Right! Thank you, so glad it resonates with you. Thank you for the gift of your words. It was a pleasure sharing them.

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What a beautiful list of moments and reflections. Thank you so much for reading and sharing my word and including them alongside so many wonderful writers x

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Thank you, Lauren. I love your writing, and was delighted to feature it here. Thank you for the gift of your words. 🌻

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May 21Liked by Trivarna Hariharan

Gorgeous list!!!!! And thank you for including my little substack in here 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️

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